The First Pronomian Statement

Formerly known as The Rock Hill Statement.

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Christians around the world are awakening to the validity and applicability of God’s commandments. Over the past few decades, we have seen a surge in support for God’s righteous Law and a recognition of the perpetual morality that is expressed within it. This First Pronomian Statement is, therefore, an attempt by some who call themselves Pronomian Christians to openly affirm a set of beliefs to reflect our theological understanding of God’s Law.

As the Church continues to turn towards the renewal of God’s righteous Law in its life, we hope that more and more Christians continue to agree to and sign this statement. May this First Pronomian Statement bring glory to God’s name as it unites His people in allegiance to Him and His Law.


Article I:


WE AFFIRM that the 66 book canon (as found in Protestant Bibles and originally produced in Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek) is the authoritative, divinely-inspired, infallible word of God.

WE DENY that books outside of this 66 book canon are authoritative, divinely-inspired, or infallible.

Article II:

Nature of God

WE AFFIRM that the God of the Bible is the only God and is one being Who has existed eternally as three persons—Father, Son, & Spirit.

WE DENY the existence of any eternal being other than God.

Article III:

The Messiah

WE AFFIRM that Jesus of Nazareth is God incarnate and the promised Messiah of Israel, Savior of humankind, Who gave his life as a propitiation for our sins—this is the Gospel.

WE DENY that Jesus of Nazareth is a created being and unequal with God the Father and God the Spirit.

Article IV:


WE AFFIRM that mankind was created male and female in the image of God but sinned against God and is hopeless in and of itself to be redeemed of its sin.

WE DENY that mankind can commit any action in and of itself that results in a reversal of its sin.

Article V:


WE AFFIRM that salvation is only obtained by grace through faith in Christ and this is a gift of God which is received apart from works.

WE DENY that salvation is obtained through a combination of faith and works.

Article VI:


WE AFFIRM that God gave His commandments throughout the Bible as a revelation of moral behavior and mankind’s obedience is still expected.

WE DENY that Christians should reject or ignore God’s commands on account of God’s grace.

Article VII:

The Sabbath

WE AFFIRM that the Sabbath day was founded and declared holy at the creation of the world as the seventh day of the week and is to be observed by God’s people as a day of rest, worship, and fellowship.

WE DENY that the Sabbath has been changed to any other day or that the commandment to observe the Sabbath is no longer expected.

Article VIII:

The Church

WE AFFIRM that the Church is the collective body of believers in Jesus Christ and has been tasked to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey the commandments of God.

WE DENY that the Church should submit to cultural pressure or punishment when teaching and preaching the Gospel with boldness.

Article IX:


WE AFFIRM that marriage was designed by God to be a covenantal, sexual, lifelong union between one man and one woman and is meant to represent the covenant between Christ and the Church.

WE DENY that any and all social contracts—whether homosexual, polygamous, or polyamorous—are biblically-ordained marriages.

Article X:


WE AFFIRM that the names of God are placeholders in language to convey the concept of Who He is and that the specific sounds and syllables used are spiritually inconsequential.

WE DENY that using specific names results in higher or lower favor or spiritual functionality.

Sign the Statement Here:

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